We are so glad you have stopped by our website! Our prayer is that you'll find everything you need right here to connect with us through our online resources. You can use this site to check out our ministries, find information on our church, and see what events are coming up!
We invite you to worship with us this Sunday whether in person or online!
"Thriving Through Spiritual Warfare"
2/9/25 - "Jersey" Sunday Morning Worship Service
If you're part of the PGC Family and find yourself in need of support, counseling, or prayer, you can now signup for a dedicated time with Pastor Shawn.
Email placegracechurch@gmail.com to schedule appointments.
Are you ready to take the "S.O.A.P" Challenge!
This challenge is designed to build a habit in your life that will greatly enhance and develop your walk with God. This method of reading is designed for you to experince a deeper intimacy with God among the busyness of life in reading through the Bible in 1 year!!! Praying this experience brings growth in 2025!
Mark your calendars for these awesome events coming up.
Make plans to invite the "Most important people in your life, to the most important thing about you" for "FRIEND DAY"! Don't miss out on this opportunity to share God's love and introduce friends to Jesus Christ!
Join us every Wednesday evening, in person or online for our "Interactive" Bible Study as together & dig deeper in the Word!
For past studies, click below:
We’re dedicated to partnering with parents to lead children to become fully devoted followers of Christ! Through age-specific lessons & activities, children ages 4-12 learn biblical truths and real-life lessons they can apply to their lives!
James 4:8 says “Come near to God and He will come near to you..." This speaks directly about being close to the Lord through prayer, worship, & meditation of His Word, so we can feel His comforting embrace around us no matter what we are facing. Make plans to join us every 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Sunday Night of the month to "Draw Near" & ENCOUNTER Him!
Student Ministries Leader/Volunteers - Worship Team Positions - Sound/Media Volunteers - Kids Church Volunteers - Cleaning Ministry Volunteers